‘…Keeping a beady eye on the bright young folk music scene of the British Isles…’
Archive for June, 2010
Bright Young Folk UK
Sunday, June 20th, 2010Fit’s next? (What’s next?)
Wednesday, June 16th, 2010Well as you may or may not have read in my blog section, my ‘Doricana’ promo tour (in Scotland) was a great success and I’m hoping as many folk as possible will have had a chance to listen to the album (hell maybe even buying it would be nice)!
I’m in the middle of a few things just now and I’m hoping to play some dates both in the US and Europe a little later in the Year……keep checking back and keep spinning that record!!
‘Doricana’ now available on iTunes and a few outlets.
Friday, June 11th, 2010I’m delighted to announce that my new album Doricana is now available on iTunes, either go through my music page or click below:
Also………for the folk’s back home in ‘Scotchland’ and in particular…..Aberdeen. Physical copies of Doricana are being sold in the Press and Journal shop on Union street. More news on further Scottish outlets very soon!
Please enjoy!
Scrapping, yapping and clapping!??
Sunday, June 6th, 2010Well, it’s been a while since I have done one of these silly wee blah, blah, blog things………apparently I really should do more! The problem is, with instant status update type sites such as twitter, bebo, Facebook etc we tend to get a bit lazy and abbreviate ever little piece of nonsense we try to pass off as brilliantly informative prose….’…just had lunch…’, ‘…been to gym…’…….genius!
Well first off……or second off after my opening rant like gambit, I’d like to thank everybody that either helped at or attended my CD launch parties. For one week the Cities of San Diego, CA and Aberdeen, UK were twinned with the hysteria surrounding Doricana or twinned with ‘what the hell is this boy Clyne on aboot………. Doricana, fit’s that min?’ Well, you get the picture…………..well you do if you are from the North East of Scotland!
Talking of which, my Scottish Promo Tour was a great success and I made a lot of new friends and fans as well as shifting a sizeable chunk of CD’s.
It was nice to be back in Edinburgh, truly one of my favourite Cities….however I’ve yet to figure the place out outside of the Festival……answers on a postcard for good venues!!
Glasgow was superb, The Liquid Ship truly is a gem of a place to play…….a full house and an engaging audience! I really need to be playing in Glasgow more often, if only to sing songs about Aberdeen Football Club!!
Aberdeen was fantastic, I had a tremendous crowd and I must thank Northsound 2’s John McRuvie from the bottom of my Circa 1983 Doug Rougvie pencil case for his relentless promotion and airplay……we’ll get ’em yet John!! Also, big thanks to Bardie, Caroll and Debra for helping out at the CD launch party……..I’ll be back later in the Year and I think by that time we’ll be filling a bigger room!!!
Last but certainly not least. The Montrose Music Festival was a great weekend……….never before have I had to stop mid song to break up a fight………the writing was on the wall however when I was loading in, two ‘friends’ going at it in the street……..ah, the sunshine, a bit of music and 8 or 9 hours of hoofing God only knows down your neck certainly brings out the best in small town Scotland!
Largely there was a very appreciative crowd in Montrose and I was honored to play the festival…….and by the way, if a boy from Stonehaven can get a standing ovation in Montrose then he can get one anywhere! I hope to be back next Year.
You can’t beat Scotland….truly you can’t, we are an amazing bunch of people. What was it Ian Rankin said???? The Scots are a great people afraid of greatness? I don’t know about greatness and I don’t know what the future holds but I hope to be back in Scotland to play again soon………….next stop Southern California for The Viper Room and San Diego House of Blues!!!! Best look out the factor 50!